Legend M.D. Buying Guide & Brand Review (Dec. 2024 Updated)

At a Glance: Top Legend M.D. Picks

Top 1

Quick Release Elbow Compatible with Airfit F10 and Quattro Air

Top 2

Replacement Filters Kit, 6 PCS Disposable Ultra Fine Filters, 1 PC Reusable F...

Top 3

Full Face Cushion Compatible with Airfit F30i Mask (Medium)

* CherryPicks.Reviews is reader-supported, Our editor review, and recommend the best products based on extensive data analysis, if you click on the product links, we may earn a commission through qualifying products purchased.

Market Overview
Legend M.D. Reviewed
  • Reviews Analyzed: 473 Items
  • CPR Avg. Rating: 7.4 / 10
26 Products Evaluated
  • Highest Price: $249.00
  • Lowest Price: $14.84
  • Avg. Price: $59.65
Price Disclaimer

Top 15 Legend M.D. Products On Amazon (Verified to buy)

Top 1

Quick Release Elbow Compatible with Airfit F10 and Quattro Air

Legend M.D.
Seller CPR Rank Amazon Fulfilled Prime Free Shipping
Medical Essential Supply -
Healthy Choice -
Healthcare Essentials -
Top 2

Replacement Filters Kit, 6 PCS Disposable Ultra Fine Filters, 1 PC Reusable Filters for DreamStation 2 CPAP

Legend M.D.
Seller CPR Rank Amazon Fulfilled Prime Free Shipping
LMD Eshop -


These Disposable Ultra Fine Filters are made of Poly-ester fibers in a light blue carrier. should be replaced after 30 nights of use or sooner if they appear dirty
Reusable Foam Pollen Filter is made of blended synthetic fibers in a gray carrier. should be cleaned after 2 weeks of use or sooner if they appear dirty. They should be replaced every 6 months or sooner if they appear damaged
Show More
Top 3

Full Face Cushion Compatible with Airfit F30i Mask (Medium)

Legend M.D.
Seller CPR Rank Amazon Fulfilled Prime Free Shipping
Medical Essential Supply -
LMD Eshop -
AStar Eshop -
Somniair -


F30I Medium-63351
Top 4

Cushion for Fisher & Paykel Evora Nasal (Small)

Legend M.D.
Seller CPR Rank Amazon Fulfilled Prime Free Shipping
Medical Essential Supply -
Shine Med/Den Supply CO -
A2Z Prime 4,298
Top 5

Legend M.D. Cradle Nasal Pillow for Aifit N30 (Medium)

Legend M.D.
Seller CPR Rank Amazon Fulfilled Prime Free Shipping
Medical Essential Supply -
LMD Eshop -
AStar Eshop -


AirFit N30 cradle cushion which is made of soft silicone, sits softly under your nostrils and curves around the sides of your nose like a crescent to help prevent air leaks while conforming itself to your nose. The soft silicone is thinner against the nostrils and more substantial near the mask for support

Legend MD Laryngeal Mask Airway, Size 4, Silicon, Disposable, LMA

Legend M.D.
0.8125 pounds
Seller CPR Rank Amazon Fulfilled Prime Free Shipping
LMD Eshop -


Clinically favorable, not cleaning and sterilizing, all disposable
Silicon disposable, work as re-usable, but only once to avoid cross containmination
Top 7

Fisher and Paykel Evora Nasal Tube and Frame Spare

Legend M.D.
Seller CPR Rank Amazon Fulfilled Prime Free Shipping
Medical Essential Supply -
Shine Med/Den Supply CO -
Healthcare Essentials -
A2Z Prime 4,298


Fisher and Paykel Evora Nasal Tube
Top 8

Quick Release Swivel Connector for CPAP Hose Tube and Mask, 22mm/15MM Cuffs, Each

Legend M.D.
Seller CPR Rank Amazon Fulfilled Prime Free Shipping
LMD Eshop -


quick release CPAP connector allows a patient to easily disconnect their tube from mask and provides more freedom throughout the night
Fits all standard and slim tubes with standard 22mm cuffs
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Legend MD Laryngeal Mask Airway, Size 3, Silicon, Disposable, LMA

Legend M.D.
0.8125 Pounds
Seller CPR Rank Amazon Fulfilled Prime Free Shipping
LMD Eshop -


Clinically favorable, not cleaning and sterilizing, all disposable
Silicon disposable, work as re-usable, but only once to avoid cross containmination

Laryngeal Mask Airway, Size 1, Silicon, Disposable

Legend M.D.
Seller CPR Rank Amazon Fulfilled Prime Free Shipping
LMD Eshop -


Clinically favorable, not cleaning and sterilizing, all disposable
Silicon disposable, work as re-usable, but only once to avoid cross containmination
Top 11

Universal Fit in-Line Filter for CPAP and BiPAP Machines Improves Your Experience, 5/PK, More Than 99.99% EFFICIENT

Legend M.D.
Seller CPR Rank Amazon Fulfilled Prime Free Shipping
LMD Eshop -


INCREDIBLY CLEAN AIR Functions along with the equipment's built-in filters as the air exits the CPAP or BiPAP machine giving incredibly clean air throughout the night
USE IT AND DISPOSE IT lasts for 4 to 6 weeks on average before needing to be replaced. Please keep in mind that the length of the duration of the filter will be determined by the environmental conditions and it should be replaced as soon as it starts to look dirty
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Legend MD Laryngeal Mask Airway, Size 2.5, Silicon, Disposable, LMA

Legend M.D.
0.8125 Pounds
Seller CPR Rank Amazon Fulfilled Prime Free Shipping
LMD Eshop -


Clinically favorable, not cleaning and sterilizing, all disposable
Silicon disposable, work as re-usable, but only once to avoid cross containmination

Legend Md Laryngeal Mask Airway, Size 2, Silicon, Disposable, LMA

Legend M.D.
0.8125 Pounds
Seller CPR Rank Amazon Fulfilled Prime Free Shipping
LMD Eshop -


Clinically favorable, not cleaning and sterilizing, all disposable
Silicon disposable, work as re-usable, but only once to avoid cross containmination

Legend MD Laryngeal Mask Airway, Size 3, PVC, Disposable, LMA

Legend M.D.
0.8125 Pounds
Seller CPR Rank Amazon Fulfilled Prime Free Shipping
LMD Eshop -


Clinically favorable, not cleaning and sterilizing, all disposable
PVC disposable, use only once to avoid cross containmination

Legend MD Laryngeal Mask Airway, Size 1, PVC, Disposable, LMA

Legend M.D.
0.8125 Pounds
Seller CPR Rank Amazon Fulfilled Prime Free Shipping
LMD Eshop -


Clinically favorable, not cleaning and sterilizing, all disposable
PVC disposable, use only once to avoid cross containmination

Our Legend M.D. Review

Legend M.D. products on Amazon (December 2024)

What to buy from Legend M.D.?

Legend M.D. sell products mainly in the Health & Household category.

Its popular products on Amazon include Respiration Flow Meters And Laryngeal Masks

If you intend to buy any of these products, then you can find them easily on Amazon. 

Featured Reviews Related to Legend M.D.

68 Reviews Analyzed
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27,688 Reviews Analyzed
854 Reviews Analyzed
3,264 Reviews Analyzed
2,270 Reviews Analyzed
18,901 Reviews Analyzed

Legend M.D. Pricing

The brand has over 50 products listed on Amazon with a price range of $14.84 to $249.00 form our picks.

Currently, the average price of their product is $59.65 which is considered affordable. You can make your choice from the list of products offered by the Legend M.D..

Is Legend M.D. a good brand? 

A brand is an essential factor when making a purchase. What do we think about the Legend M.D.? Well, according to the information available on Amazon, Legend M.D. products are sold by A2Z Prime.

The seller has received about 1,164 feedbacks from buyers with an average start rating of 4.9. With a rating as this from the number of feedbacks, we can conclude that Legend M.D. is the brand is exceptional good, and their products are highly recommended as most consumers were delighted making use of the products from Legend M.D..

Can I know who the owner of Legend M.D. is?

Legend M.D. is selling on Amazon's North America Marketplaces. You can find out the actual owner of the brand at https://www.uspto.gov/trademarks/search

From there, you can tell whether Amazon owns the brand or not. If you want to buy Amazon branded products, you can go here, and list some of their top brands. Amazon owns 100 private-label brands that operate in different markets.

Related Amazon Store for Legend M.D.

Similar Competitors Brands like Legend M.D. on Amazon


How We Evaluated Legend M.D. Products

We are crawling & scraping a large amount of data from 50 Legend M.D. products and a countless number of reviews, you can gain valuable insights to enhance your understanding of various aspects related to Legend M.D., and you can use those data to help you make informed buying Respiration Flow Meters And Laryngeal Masks decisions. Those recommend the 15 best products from Legend M.D. based on thorough analysis and research by our CherryPicks-AI ranking system.

Why create this buying guide?

Our brand guide is designed to provide up-to-date & unbiased information about Legend M.D. products. Our goal is to empower you with data-driven insights, enabling you to make better shopping decisions efficiently to save time. We prioritize earning your trust by providing reliable information and guidance.

Top 10 Legend M.D. Sellers: CPR Seller Rank List

CPR sellers rank is based on CherryPicks-AI bestselling ranking system that helps us analyze each seller's sales trends. The List of top seller ranks is our in-house data, essential for our product ranking to help you make the right shopping choice.

Rank Name Yearly Feedbacks Avg. Ratings
🥇 A2Z Prime 1,164 4.9
🥈 Shine Med/Den Supply CO 444 4.6
🥉 Healthy Choice 421 4.8
4 Healthcare Essentials 194 4.7
5 LMD Eshop 191 4.7
6 Medical Essential Supply 171 4.7
7 NEcommerce 165 4.4
9 AStar Eshop 32 4.4
10 USCABLES LLC 20 4.5
A2Z Prime [1164] Shine Med/Den Supply CO [444] Healthy Choice [421] Healthcare Essentials [194] LMD Eshop [191] Medical Essential Supply [171] NEcommerce [165] IPRIMEPLUS [46] AStar Eshop [32] USCABLES LLC [20] A2Z Prime 41% Shine Med/Den Supply CO 16% Healthy Choice 15% Healthcare Essentials 7% LMD Eshop 7% Medical Essential Supply 6% NEcommerce 6% IPRIMEPLUS 2% AStar Eshop 1% USCABLES LLC 1%